
Atlantean Calendar
The Atlantean year starts with the Spring Equinox on the 1st of Tebon.
Game Month - Sunrise & Sunset 1st of month, east (Boreal) of Quodeth.

M1 Tebon (March) 6am/6pm (1/1 is the Spring Equinox, festival of Ishtar)
M2 Sana (April) 3am/9pm > LONG DAY (15/2 is first day of no sunset, festival of Tarhun)
M3 Adar (May) LONG DAY (no sunset)
M4 Nidon (June) LONG DAY (1/4 is Summer Solstice, festival of Mitra. No sunset)
M5 Taru (July) LONG DAY (15/5 is last day of no sunset) 17/5 Queen Deyane's birthday festival.
M6 Samon (August)   - 3am/9pm
M7 Dumet (September) - 6am/6pm (1/7 is the Autumn Equinox, festival of Set)
M8 Abron (October) - 9am/3pm > TWILIGHT (15/8 is first day of no sunrise, festival of Tiamat) 27/8 Harvest festival of Kishar
M9 Ulon (November) - LONG NIGHT (no sunrise all month, full dark)
M10 Tisra (December) - LONG NIGHT (1/10 is Winter Solstice, festival of Nergal. No sunrise all month)
M11 Samnu (January) -  TWILIGHT (15/11 is last day of no sunrise, 16/11 festival of Azura)
M12 Kislon (February) - 9am/3pm on 1st Kislon

The duration of the Long Night varies from over 4 months at Thule's Boreal ("eastern") tip, to 0 months in Katagia and south across the Claws of Sunset where "The Sun Ever Sets".
City: Approximate Duration Long Night/Long Day
Quodeth: 3 months
Marg: 2.5 months
Nith: 5 weeks
Imystrahl: 3 weeks
Katagia: 0 weeks - just outside Polar Circle

In addition to the months and days of the Atlantean calendar, Thuleans also count seven-day weeks tied to the phases of the moon. This is only used to provide weekdays and provide a more convenient schedule for regular commerce and observances, which otherwise would have to be fixed to specific dates ahead of time. 
The days are named after major deities as follows:

 • Asura’s Day
 • Tarhun’s Day
 • Kishar’s Day
 • Nergal’s Day
 • Tiamat’s Day
 • Mithra’s Day
 • Ishtar’s Day 

The middle of the week is considered inauspicious in some cities, and people avoid beginning new enterprises or conducting important business on Nergal’s Day and Tiamat’s Day. Thuleans have little notion of a weekend, but in most places Ishtar’s Day is a day of light work; many festivals or revels are planned to fall on the last day of the week.

15/8/2214 Abron, First day of no sunrise, festival of Tiamat
Harpy's rip the roof open above Tiamats statue in the temple of the Nine, Three Towers 
1/10/2214 Tisra, Winter Solstice, festival of Nergal, The Long Night
The Winter Dragon spots the Emperor of the Waves adrift in a wide bay of the Hurth coast. The cargo ship has lost for fifteen years and has immense value to its owner Aubrek. Black Bill, Isileth, and Tyg take the Ammur trail to Quodeth with news and a map of the ship's location for Aubrek. Before they reach Quodeth in a dastardly double-cross, Black Bill sneaks off with the map, he plans to sell it to the persuasive priestess Naak for more gold.
5/10/2214 Tisra, the Long Night
Sar and Yar retrieve Aubreks map in a bloody encounter at the Royal Shades, slaying Black Bill and the priestess Naak.  
Beastmen raid and capture a caravan of slaves just outside Three Towers
8/11/2214 Samnu, Twilight
The adventurers set out to salvage Aubreks loot. They take the overland trail from Quodeth to Three Towers because even crazy Nimothans wouldn't sail in this weather.
15/11/2214 Last day of no sunrise
16/11/2214 Festival of Azura
18/11/2214 Samnu, Twilight  
The adventurers arrive in Three Towers.  The Winter Dragon locates The Emperor of the Waves at sea. The salvage team boards the sinking ship retrieving Aubrek's fortune. However, other schemes are in play and Ozric drags the Emperor into the depths with the bloody altar of Hurth Nessk as Krell, a servant of Set, escapes the Kraken's tentacles.
2214- Kilson
Pirates raids on shipping and along the coast increase and there is a rumour of an attack on the monastery of Veilshard.
A flock of Harpies also attack shipping in the Jal Dror straights and raid Bazaar at Three Towers.

11/12/2214 Kilson
The Adventurers land on the rugged Isle of Veilshard (part of the Jal Dror archipelago) to investigate the rumours of a pirate raid. 
12/12/2214 Kilson
Return to Three Towers.  Voyage uneventful. Adventurers welcomed back by Aubrek and enjoy a long well deserved rest.
25/12/2214 Kilson
Splinters, Tyg, Isileth & Yar go in-search of Hurn the Hunter.
30/12/2214 Kilson
Splinters, Tyg, Isileth & Yar return to Three Towers
1/1/2215 Festival of Ishtar, New Years Day, in Quodeth, the royal wedding.
Three Towers throws a wild street party to celebrate the New Year.
Attack!  Sea Devils and Reavers of Marg raid Three Towers in a bloody and lucrative assault. 
6/1/2215 The old one worshipping kraken Ozric has established a lair in sunken ruins on the Riylri Coast.  Adventurers from Three Towers after raiding  the Sea Devil base.
9/1/2215 Prince Consort & First Sea Lord Zerda of Quodeth sends an Armada to deal with the Pirates infesting the Jal Dror Archipelgo
15/1/2215 The Winter Dragon (Demigus, Yar and Splinters) sails for the Isle of Bones in search of Keraptis the Iron Mage. Hiro's clan leaves Three Towers.
25/1/2215 Taarbo falls, Ammur refugees flood south to Banutre and Three Towers 
Sana 2215  3am/9pm > LONG DAY
1/2/2215 Adventures from Oakhurst, explore the Sunless Citadel destroying the Gulthias Tree and the renegade Black Circle Wizard, Belak the Outcast.
(Midnight) Adventurers from Three Towers enter the Tomb of the Golden Pharaoh
Banutre is besieged by Beastmen and Giants, Geeta leaves to muster help in Pyriador
3/2/2215  Demigus, Crinna, Isileth and Yar arrive in Ikath
5/2/2215  Gideon & Tyg return to Three Towers
7/2/2215 Crinna, Demigus, Isileth & Yar do some sight seeing in Ikath, visiting Quill Street and all its wonderful shops
8/2/2215 New management takes over 'The Shades'
9/2/2215 Crinna, Demigus, Isileth & Yar visit Lady Midnight & communicate by Sending
Tyg returns to Three Towers
10/2/2215 Tiamat's Day The big match between the Kyr Headhunters & The Bolotanga Wildrunners in the fields of Ikath 
A huge monster attacks the Oakhurst River Market 
F from LT Cuts HT & B Occupied after night raid by KR

11/2/2215 Mitra's Day Adventurers leave Oakhurst on the trail of the Thessalhydra

15/2/2215 (Kishars Day) First day of no sunset, festival of Tarhun
