Veilshard monastery - facts, rumors and secrets

Veilshard monastery - facts, rumors, and secrets

Situated in the Jal Dror archipelago Veilshard is a small rocky oval Isle, two miles long and a mile wide. Dunes cover the southern Isle; rugged cliffs make access to the rest of the Isle very difficult. South of the Isle is a small deep bay. 

The monastery at Veilshard is an ancient holy site to those dedicated to Nergal. The reclusive and secretive monks do not encourage visitors and the rumors and stories of walking dead Isle ensure the Isle remains surrounded in mystery and rarely visited.

The current Abbott Rho, a Lomari (as were several of his predecessors), comes from a renowned noble family. The monastery's strong religious bond with Lomar keeps Quodeth ambition at a distance despite the Isle's strategic value.

Pirate Invasion

Zatara and his golden fleet invaded the Isle, burning the monastery to the ground.

Beyond the Veil

Undead protect the Isle, infesting the Skull Dunes in the south.  

Aphooms comments about Veilshard monastery

·       Protected by necromancy, an army of the dead guard the Isle and its secrets.
·       Hidden catacombs beneath the monastery known as, The Winding Way, conceal powerful relics protected by dastardly traps and worse.
